This Privacy Policy outlines Hoche Partners Golf Studios Private Limited, approach to privacy to fulfil its obligations under the applicable privacy laws. The domain name www.fiveirongolf,in is owned by the Company. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information and shall be read with the Terms and Conditions found on

The Company views protection of your privacy as a priority and therefore, has a privacy policy on its Website. The Company stores and processes your Personal Data including any sensitive financial data collected (as defined under the Information Technology Act, 2000), if any, on computers that may be protected by physical as well as reasonable technological security measures and procedures in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules thereunder. If you object to your Personal Data being transferred or used in the manner mentioned in this policy, please do not use this Website.


By visiting the Company’s Website or by providing your information, you consent to the collection, use, storage, disclosure and otherwise processing of your information (including sensitive personal information) on the Website in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you disclose to the Company any personal information relating to other people, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit the Company to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You, while providing your personal information over the Website or any partner platforms or establishments, consent to the Company (including our other corporate entities, affiliates, lending partners, technology partners, marketing channels, business partners and other third parties) to contact you through SMS, instant messaging apps, call and/or e-mail for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. You have an option to withdraw your consent that you have already provided by writing to the Company at the contact information provided below. Please mention “Withdrawal of consent for processing personal information” in your subject line of your communication. The Company will verify such requests before acting on your request. Please note, however, that withdrawal of consent will not be retroactive and will be in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, related terms of use and applicable laws. In the event you withdraw consent given to the Company under this Privacy Policy, the Company reserves the right to restrict or deny the provision of its services for which it considers such information to be necessary.


  • The Company records, stores and analyses the data that is available to it through its Website and its Indoor Golf Locations. This includes the data provided by you at the time of making a purchase at the Company’s Indoor Golf Location or on the Website. Personal Data collected about you includes your name and address, gender, age, telephone number and email address, and other data the Company maintains about you when you visit its Indoor Golf Locations and voluntarily contact the Company through its Website, including information you provide on sign-up and membership registration pages, surveys, or other submission and/or purchases through the Website. The Company also collects data through your use of a mobile device, such as smartphones, tablets and iPads. This data includes your mobile device identifier, device type and IP address.
  • The Company implements appropriate managerial, technical, operational, physical, and organisational measures as per applicable laws and regulations to address the risks corresponding to the Company’s use of your Personal Data, including loss, alteration, or unauthorised access to your Personal Data, and empowering you to exercise your rights. The Company requires its service providers to do the same through contractual agreements. However, you should be aware that any transmission of your Personal Data through the internet is at your own risk. The Company can only protect your Personal Data when it has it.


To protect your personal information from unauthorised access or disclosure, loss or misuse the Company adopts reasonable security practices and procedures, in line with international standards ISO/IEC 27001:2013 which is recognised as one of the highest information security standards. Whenever you access your account information, the Company offers the use of a secure server. The transmission of information is not completely secure for reasons beyond the Company’s control. The Company adopts industry standard security measures and keep updating the Company’s systems from time to time to protect your personal information against any hacking or virus dissemination. However, by using the Website, you accept the security implications of data transmission over the internet and the World Wide Web which cannot always be guaranteed as completely secure, and therefore, there would always remain certain inherent risks regarding use of the Website. You are responsible for ensuring the protection of login and password records for your own account.


Your Personal Data is used for the following purposes:

  • Website operation
  • Domain and network security and user authentication
  • Payment fraud detection
  • Product delivery, return and refund
  • Electronic delivery tracking
  • Business operational analytics
  • Customer service
  • Personalised marketing messages via email (newsletter sign-up) and SMS
  • Personalised marketing messages via email (via existing contract) and SMS
  • Targeted messages on 3rd-party advertising platforms
  • Private event registration
  • Open event registration
  • Product research and development
  • Legal obligation - cooperation with law enforcement and regulatory authorities (including courts)
  • Collecting your device information on Website using cookies, pixels, tags, and similar technologies (“Cookies Policy”)
  • User-generated content (UGC) acquisition from social media
  • Push notifications (built-in Website communication)


In order to carry out these purposes, the Company will be sharing your data with Affiliates and Acquisitions. The Company may share information with its corporate affiliates (e.g., Franchisor, parent & sister companies, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control). If another company acquires, or plans to acquire, the Company, business, or the Company’s assets, the Company will also share information with that company, including at the negotiation stage. The Company may ask if you would like it to share your information with other unaffiliated third parties who are not described elsewhere in this policy.

The Company may also disclose certain information to third parties solely to help diagnose technical problems, to administer the Website, and improve the quality of the Website.


Your Personal Data will not be retained for a period longer than is required for the purposes for which the information is collected or used under law except for the data that is required to be kept longer for legal reasons specified by law.


The Company takes every reasonable step to ensure that your personal information that the Company processes is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, and any of your personal information that Company processes that you inform is inaccurate (having regard to the purposes for which they are processed) is erased or rectified. You may access, correct, and update your personal information directly through the functionalities provided on the Website. You may delete certain non-mandatory information by logging into the Website and visiting Profile and Settings sections. You can also write to the Company at the contact information provided below to assist you with these requests. You have an option to withdraw your consent that you have already provided by writing to the Company at the contact information provided below. Please mention “for withdrawal of consent” in the subject line of your communication. The Company will verify such requests before acting upon your request. Please note, however, that withdrawal of consent will not be retroactive and will be in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, related Terms of Use and applicable laws. In the event you withdraw consent given to the Company under this Privacy Policy, such withdrawal may hamper your access to the Website or restrict provision of the Company’s services to you for which it considers that information to be necessary.


To help protect your privacy, be sure not to share your user ID or password with anyone else; to log off the Web site when you are finished; to take customary precautions to guard against "malware" (viruses, Trojan horses, bots, etc.), for example by installing and updating suitable anti-virus software.


Use of the Company’s Website is available only to persons who can form a legally binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children under the age of 18 years. If you have shared any personal information of children under the age of 18 years, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit the Company to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Please check the Company’s Privacy Policy periodically for changes. The Company may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes to its information practices. The Company will alert you to significant changes by posting the date its Privacy Policy got last updated, placing a notice on its Website, or by sending you an email when it is required to do so by applicable law.


The Company uses data collection devices such as “cookies” on its Website to help analyse the web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. “Cookies” are small files placed on the Buyer/customer/user's hard drive that assist the Company in providing the services. Cookies do not contain any of your personal data. In order to do the above, the Company tracks the total number of visitors to each site, the number of visitors to each page of the Website, pages visited per use, browser type, IP addresses, exit page, duration of use, and operating system type, in order to administer the Website and analyse trends and statistics to evaluate the Website visitors’ preferences and the effectiveness of the Website.


If you have any grievances/concerns or questions regarding this Agreement, please contact us at: